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Versie Dunn
Born in Arkansas
79 years
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Charlotte Dunn-Carrasquillo Ooooooooooweeeeee February 8, 2016
Still LIVING like you taught me. Moving along with life but, if I could reach back & give you a kiss or even hear your voice it would make it a bit more alright. Oooooooooweeeeee, moma. Oooooooooooweee, again! Your birthday was yesterday & I remember when. You'd ask for a dress......nothing too great & for you moma, I helped you celebrate. You deserved it. You gave so much. I miss your cooking & your warm touch. Need some advice & to hear your voice on a call. Telephone disconnected but Jesus' ringer is on. Glad you gave me Him & He gave me you. R.I.P. Moma! Oooowee, I sure miss you! Help me JESUS!!!!!!!!
charlotte Dunn-Carrasquillo OoooooooWeeeee February 8, 2015
OooooooWeeeee, oooooooweeeeeee, Lord! OooooooooWeeeee, Ooooooweeeee Lord! The Hawkin's family sang that saying in a past song. I'm using the saying to express a fact. OooooooWeeeeeeee! Momma's gone! Yes, she's gone. What a reality to face. Good news though, family. WE WILL SEE HER AGAIN! Be encouraged. I love y'all!
Straleshia Hampton Missing you and grandpa January 15, 2013
Hey Grandma, Grandpa. Just wanted to wish you a  BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY Grandpa Luv and miss you:)
charlotte dunn-carrasquillo i can cry February 7, 2012
i can cry a river. i can hold your hand. i can feel your pain, and i can take a stand. a stand for God's Word, a stand for my belief......, He will see me through, as i travel through this grief. yes i may be crying, but there is no denying....., God is gonna keep me ''til i make it over in Zion. love your daughter, charlotte. i need you
charlotte dunn-carrasquillo what can i say January 3, 2012
wow! it happened! you left me. i tried to keep you here, yet you eased on out. i questioned God. the nerve of me, huh. i thought He would let you stay, but everything you told me came to pass right before my eyes. i learned even more that God is still in charge. to ALL of my family........., faint not. Moma taught us well......, ALL PRAISES TO GOD!!!!!!!!!!live on for Him. He never fails. love yall and love you moma. what can i say? actually a lot. God is still good
Relonda Johnson Time Lost March 25, 2009
We have spent so much time in our lives thinking of the things we want and need when all the time it has been each other. The most precious thing to me is TIME. The reason being is because it's so never a guarantee how much we have left. I know we all have our own lives to live but we must not be selfish and spend that time not speaking to each other, lets be as one, the Dunn Family has to stick together so we can be lifted up in the name of Jesus. That's what we were taught to stick together and not let petty differences stop us. Unity is the way to a peaceful life on the other side so come together and do what is right. I love you all with my heart and soul. 
charlotte dunn-carrasquillo Human Daughter Missing Moma January 25, 2009
Oh Moma, I miss you so! The pain is so great. You'll never know. Things you taught me have come to past. I sit and wonder, how long will it last. Your being gone really stings. However, I know you're safe with your two wings. Setting in flight, you've checked on loved ones. And I know you've THANKED the Lord for ALL He's done. This human daughter missing moma can't stop the tears. They flow from memories of past years. I thank the Lord that you were my mom, and I'll never forget ANYTHING you've done. Love Ya!
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