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Versie Dunn
Born in Arkansas
79 years
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Tera Lanesia Johnson

Grandma, i just couldnt leave this page without saying something. As i was reading the memories that my mother, aunts, and cousins left, i found myself crying a river. Not only did you have an impact on my life but you were a hero as well as a comforter in the time of need to many just as you were to me. I can remember showing up at your house, waiting for you to open the door, and you didnt give me a chance to come in the house before you said "gal you betta brang yo ugly self here and give grandma a hug." Remember that time we were at lucky village and you had eaten all you could eat, and all you could think about is getting what you paid for (lawd you took food and forks 2 lol). And you know i couldnt leave without talking about all the times you told me i look like my ugly daddy. Grandma i still dont see where i look like that dude. And momma (gail), im going to miss 3rd sundays 2, seeing grandma sitting on the second bench where the mothers sit, looking jazzy as any of the mothers (sorry Holmes),whew im gone miss dem days. Darnit, i would give everything just to hear you say "be good" and "grandma loves you," i mean i cant explain the pain i felt in my heart to see you laying in that hospital bed taking your last breaths. At that very moment i felt like i needed to be able to do something to help you because there was so much that i didnt get to say to you or do with you. But i would rather share a million memories of you with others while you where your crown on your heavenly thrown then watch you suffer here on earth. I could go on and on with all the good times we shared but im going to sum it up by saying I LOVE YOU GRANDMA. And tell pawpaw that i havent forgotten about him, how could i when im his lil muggy (ma i know u laughing). Pawpaw like Tete Michelle said, make sure Grandma aint up there showing off her good hair to anyone else.

And p.s. Grandma i loved the fact that u loved that red dress u had me taking pictures in but those mc hammer shoes.....y me??? And those darn ponytails.....u knew i was baldheaded, u knew i aint have no hair!!!! lol

                 I   You Versie Dunn and Myles Dunn Sr.


Ma & Dad,


The Dunn's clan sung at Linda church Jan 18th and at my church Jan 25th. Boy I tell u if the lord didn't show up and show out! The holy spirit is really in us ma. We tryna keep the group going so we can pass the legacy on down to the next generation which is Kenya, Mario BJ and the ones under them. These boys are some musicians to be reckon with. God has an anointing on them. We are being asked to sing all over Los Angeles, Arkansas, Louisiana & Texas and we ain't even a group yet. God is good though and I pray he anoints us to continue minister to the people. Thank you for your prayers an upbringings. We're not perfect but we didn't turn out too bad either. Holler Girl!!!

Michelle Dunn

Hey ma,


I haven't been on in a while. I spoke with your sister today. She had me cracking up about you and then we both had to fight back tears. I know you're probably saying, I don't know why you're crying, I wouldn't trade where I am for nothing! I love ya girl! I miss ya! One day I will see ya!

Relonda Gail Johnson

I'm truly in a state of denial, I know we all come here to leave but I never thought you would go before me. My heart is torn into so many pieces because you meant so much to me. I wanted you to be here just in case I found Mr. Right, you know all you had to do was look at them and if they weren't right I would know in a matter of minutes, and wouldn't hesitate to tell them what you thought. I miss that so much. I guess I was the only lunatic telling you "All" my business! We shared so much and I thank you for trusting me with secrets untold. I know you felt like you weren't loved in the end but that was a phase of depression because the 'Dunn' baby we cherished you and pawpaw til the end. Still do! I put this song by Kelly Price on here because I remember singing it one 3rd Sunday and I can still hear you saying "Girl you better sang that song".I felt so good about myself when you came through those doors at New Philadelphia, I knew right then they can say what they want but Mrs. PeeWee is in da house and nothing else matters. I miss calling you just to get chewed out then invited to eat out. Grannys won't ever be the same but you did leave them with a piece of you, Versie Dunn, to tell someone about. I will never let go of my memories of you because those are the best memories I have. To know you was most definitely to love you. People thought the world of you but you were the world to me. OMG!!!! It is so hard going to church because when I go I always look on the mothers side and you're not there. Jesus, I just miss you. The family was right there with you through out your battle, and even though its taking time the family is coming together slowly. Remember you telling me you just wanted to hear the Dunns sing one more time, well the did and it was beautiful.And yes I did get up and sing with them. 1619 Elm Street is never gone be the same the spirit exist but the flesh has perished. I miss you pawpaw,and I love you both, I hope to see you two when God sees fit to call me.                                                    


                                                         Love Eternal,

                                                        Relonda Gail Johnson

Michelle Dunn
Moma, I was so glad when the holidays were over. It gets kinda rough for the ones that has freshly lost a loved one. If I can just get past our birthdays in February I will be cool. I need you to do me a favor ma....There was something you were tryna tell us in your hospital room. You tried sooooo desperately but we couldn't make it out. It musta been important because you gave all your might to talk and cried when we couldn't understand. You looked at me with this sadness in your eyes as if outta all people, I should be the one to make it out. That hurt me so bad. Can you somehow reveal to me what it was. I can't rest. I love you and I know time heals all pain.
Adrian R Young

Well, Well Grandma I remeber so murch boutcha I jus want to say that you definitely kept my lil shawt self in line. You were the best grandma ever i could not have asked for anyone better. I remember so many times i called you jus to check on u and see how u were doing and u would start fussing and i had'nt even done anything but all i did was laugh and take it because it really made me feel good to know that u loved and cared for me enough to tear into my hine parts LOL! I thank God for all the talks wisdom love and advice spiritually that u gave me it meant so much to me and helped to go on a little farther even when i wanted to give up. Grandma u always told me jus like this " Looka her now gal don't make me walk out there to California at u, i would laugh and say ok grandma come on i'll meet u at end of the Freeway ramp because i knew u was'nt gonna make it pass the end of your driveway before u ran out of breath" but we had some many good times and laughs and i really miss that grandma. Gradma u don't know how much i need u right now because i am facing so many difficult devasting hardships and i need to jus hear u say don't worry baby God's going to work it out jus keep Holding and trust him then IMMEDIATELY after that u start shouting and i'm waiting for you to pick the phone back up so we can finish our conversation.  I never got a chance to send u that special package so u can buy u a outfit purse and shoes and strut your stuff like the "QUEEN" and " FOXXY MOMMA" u were and taught all your daughter & grandaughters to be.  You know what Lady I miss u and i wish i could jus hear ur voice and hear u tell me that u love my shawt midget self and u were No taller than me & Tesa. Grandma i never got a chance to say see u later or to hug and kiss u my Heart feels empty because uyour not here with me anymore, but i did'nt lose u becauce when u lose something or someone u don't know where they are and i know that you are Resting n the arms of JESUS thank you HALLEUJAH GLORY GLORY 2 your name Oh God thank you thank you Jesus Whew!!!!! Oh my Lord, now see there I jus had a Grandma moment right there because you would have shouted for 12 hours and 15 mins jus at the mention of the name JESUS. I remember your smile, singing ( Oh Glory and humming one of those down home Spirituals as you called them) I Love U Grandma Versie Pee Wee Dunn The Dunn's Family Queen. I Know there are No Rummage Sales in Heaven so jus keep the Heavenly Robe u got LOL!!!! Grandma your lil shawt stuff needs u more than ever but i know that you are here with me telling me to Hold on God's got everything in control and there you go shouting again Grandma stop it now before u mess up your White Robe Starring Crown and Golden Slippers Jesus nem can't keep replacing your garments he have other children on there way into the Pearly Gates we gon need a White Robe a Crown & some Golden Slippers to so behave til we get there so we can all shout together i don't want to look up to Heaven & see you hanging & dangling from one the clouds because you done danced & shouted so hard til you fell through the Heavens floor board, Now Gabriel gotta call some of the other Angels to come help him pull u back up LOL!!!! I Love you and Miss u Grandma Hugs and Kisses My Beautiful Queen. If  u see me falling, slipping or straying off track please jus come tap me on the shoulder "Wait one minute second thought don't you dare tap my shoulder because i might be driving, sleep, or home alone and will tear a new ceiling, floors, walls and doors trying to get out so that's alright tell Jesus send me a message i'll get it" I Love U Grandma!!!!!!!

Carolyn Dunn Mills
I just thought I would give yu a laugh.Dont never think you can steal a spaghetti and get away with it.Momma you waqs a fast runne3r you caught sonny at the ditch.But the sweetest memory is that I was blessed to be your daughter for 55 years.your kept me in line even though I thought I was sneaky.There is another hole in my heart.When daddy left I was empty because I couldnt talk to him and now youre not here and my heart is sad because for some reason I thought you would neveer leave,but you slipped away.I know I can make it because you gave me a foundation to fall back on and thats Jesus.I miss your beautiful face,your laughter you singing nobody to go to rummage sale.But thank you for love,life and Jesus.
Shatayla Johnson

I remember the first time i met grandma she called me her grandchild and lit up my face and put a smile on it  too. i remeber the we were at church my cousin and i had our nails did she said we need a whoping because we were not old enough to get them done. I remember a time when my aunt had brought all her children and niece andshe said oooo gail i got some ugly grandchildren. I remember desmond use too spend the night all time............. andi wrote her a poem at school.

Very gentle smart and loved in many ways.

Empressed all people especially her husband.

Resist criminals and fight for rights.

Save and sanctify and fullled with the spirit.

Invokes for many things but not all.

Expects respect from all chirldren

Dead but not forgotten.




Relonda Gail Johnson
Hey my fabulous family,I have been changing the pics everyday so all my pics will be displayed.There is a minimum of 20 so don't think I'm just deleting them, I  want you all to keep sending pics and when you feel down come here and express yourself.We all need to express ourselves.Charlotte,I see that you are coming and getting yourself a healing girl let God into the empty space in your heart.I know its not easy because I am still feeling the void. My life was encircled around my grandma,if I could bring her back I wouldn't but I wish she hadn't left me.I wake up wondering if she called to go to the store or to eat but she's not here to call.But this is something I wrote in my journal when she passed away:

Missing Link Edit

Sep 30, 2008, 2:19 am

Most times people don't understand the concept of a chain,honestly I just learned the action and reaction when a link is missing.A chain is linked and bonded together, each link holds another, one link breaks the chain is usually useless unless you find a way to bond it back together.The action and reaction is the same with a family, once that link is broken it's hard to bond it together again.I experienced first hand how it is when a link it broken and can't be bonded for the simple fact that this was the main link to the chain.Anyone who doesn't understand the purpose of the link reevaluate you life, think about what you have to lose and how you will feel if you lose it, mend anything that is broken and don't just depend on that one link because when it breaks there's no replacing.Pray, be humble and stay strong, most of all pray for others, everybody needs somebody to pray for them.My prayer for this particular night is Dear Lord, will you please hold me up,I'm weak and falling Lord i need you to strengthen me Lord help to ease the pain I am feeling from losing that link that held the family chain securely so many years Lord I ask you to keep my family on one accord so that they may understand that it is all your will Lord hold my mother in your arms and ease her aches and pain Lord watch over my children who have gone so far astray and Lord if it be your will help us to stay in your word.In Jesus name I pray, Amen.This is on my tagged page.

charlotte dunn-carrasquillo
Guess what. I thought about moma again ,today. I know this will be for the rest of my life. Sounds weird, but I'm reminded that she's not here. I'm reminded of her voice, the last two times I talked with her from California. She told me,"California got this." If you were a part of the conversation, you would know what that meant.On the next call, I asked her what she was doing. She rushed me off of the phone saying, "I'm singing and praying." I was concerned about what I thought was unusual behavior. Then, upon arriving to Louisiana, I sat by her bedside as she called my daddy and her mother. She looked with a stare and said, "Puddin'." Afterwards, she would gaze with outstretched hands and say, "Momma." I thought,'s hard to put into words all of the things running through my head. She's one girl that I truly MISS! Yet, I go forward with the wisdom she instilled in me. God in heaven is my mother since Moma is gone. It was time. Mom was tired. Tired of winter. Tired of spring. Tired of summer. Tired of fall. Tired of rain. Tired of snow. Tired of thunder. Tired of lightning. Tired of bills. tired of t.v. Tired of doctors. Tired of nurses. Tired of restaurants. Tired. Tired! Just tired ya'll. She traded this life in for what Jesus had to offer her. Now she's in the land of milk and honey. Howdy, howdy and no more good bye. No more crying. No more dying. No more worrying. No more worldly issues to be concerned with. She received her two wings, left us with love and never looked back. She knew that soon and very soon, we'd be coming to see the King, too. Get ready, get ready, get ready! Ready or not, He's coming back, I tell you.............coming back for the lost, coming back for the found, coming back for the saved, coming back for the unsaved, coming back for the liars, coming back for the cheaters, coming back for the Russian roullette players, the thieves, the murderers, the lazy, the strong, the gangs, the drug dealers, the drug users, the rich the poor.........................No one is exempt! He's coming! Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeee's........................Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee's coming back, I tell you! God told mama to teach me this a long time ago. He assigned her to raise me in the nurture and admonition of Him........and that she did. God through her taught me something the teachers couldn't teach. She practiced with me on things the coaches wouldn't coach. We rehearsed parts that the choir wouldn't sing. It was the Word of God. Hallellujah! Give your parents flowes while they live. Thank you Relonda Gail Johnson for starting this site for family and friends to make expression. We love you. Everyone, when you go online, you can click the bottom of each site to view the total number of pictures, memories, candles, etc. Love ya'll! Charlotte
Straleshia Hampton

Dear grandmah, I remember when I came to visit you and granddaddy I always made sure I got up bright and early with you guys . I remember grandmah in the kitchen making the coffeefor me , granddaddy and for me and granddaddy sat on the porch waiting patiently. I remember you telling me howe spolied I was and how no one could control me. I also remember when we came down to visit and me and my brothers and sister,cousins and neighbors kids drove you crazy because we were lound and we would not stop running back in forth out of the house lol. Still to this day we talk about how you made us go to that big tree that use to be in the front yard and pick a switch so that you can woop us with it. I also remember that when I needed some one to talk to and just listen you were there.Grandmah you were my best friend and one day last month I picked up the phone to call you and did not realize what I was doin until I heard the operator say that this number is no longer in service. Thats  when  It  really hit home that I could not hear your voice. Its still hard to now your not here anymore . I thank God for allowing you to be apart of our lives. LUV MAH.

Michelle Dunn

 Hey Girl!!!! I miss calling you every Saturday on my break saying that to you! You were my priority on weekends to make sure I call. We laughed and talked about some of every thing.  I know we're not here to stay we're just passing thru while god get our mansion together. But, even knowing that, I still miss u girl! I find myself crying sometimes but I quickly get it together because I'm strong. You, with god's guidnce gave me the ingredients to making it in life. You reared me in a way that helped me rear my boys. Thank you moma!!!! Let's not forget old PUDDIN!! LOL! I thought that was the meanest man in the world but when I grew up and looked back, I realized he was doing what he thought was neccesary to protect his. I find myself doing that about my boys. I thiank god for giving us PETE & PUDDIN! What a couple. Remember the Mt. Calvary spirituals group! Oh my god! I use to hate goin to those programs but now that good old gospel (spirituals) as moma would call em get all in my feet!!!!! No matter the mistakes any of mam's kids made, I have never known her to turn her back on any of us and that's the god's honest truth because I gave them a lil hell. I can't remember mama even saying anything bad about us. What a mama! I Love that girl! See you over in Zion ma! Make sure you and daddy got enough room in your mansion cuz u got extra grandkids you left behind!!! Go ahead and take your rest and don't worry about all these grown kids you left behind. You lived for you and us. It's time now for all of us to do something for ourselves! I miss you!



charlotte dunn-carrasquillo
it's me again guys. it's me again Lord. i don't mean to worry you.i need help facing something new. i need help that can only come from you. remember that guys. that's one of the songs we heard on sunday mornings when moma would sometimes already have dinner ready as we got ready for church.later that night we would dread getting in that old mt calvary spirituals van passing our friends to go to their programs.Gail and Chrylwanthia never had a problem with it though.moma use to sing "if you miss me from can't find me nowhere....come on up to bright glory....i'll be singing up there........." time had been winding up. me personally,i just let LIFE get me caught up and i just stopped paying attention so much.moma didn't though.i didn't say she was perfect, yet she focused on the Prize.........JESUS CHRIST! michael, moma called out for you before she left a couple of times. what you requested of me i'm i'm making a a door that can't be closed.shay,i love are the baby sibling of us all.i'm messed up.i can only imagine what moma and daddy's baby girl is experiencing.HIS WORD,girl.stick to'll bring you through.sonny,what can i've always been "the man" since i could remember. don't stop now though.just be it in a more stronger, wiser, and better way.we all are there for each other like moma wanted us to be.calvin, i've had to really Grow Up since moma're the baby's pages are continuously turning. just like many, jump on a page and keep turning.turn for joy. turn for peace.turn for hope. turn for strength.turn for work. turn,turn,TURN. u know i luv ya! to all of my siblings and family,i love you all. give a holler or "holla" as the young people say to the beautiful "Woman of God" that Our Father in Heaven chose to raise us,love us, nurture us ,care for us,go without for us,raise us up in church, encourage us, LOVE and spoil our kids, encourage family togetherness and whatever else she did for us on an individual personal level. HAVE I GOT A WITNESS! if you don't do computers, i understand. the memory section along with the candles, video, picture gallery and more are available for you to release. kamisha, if you read this could you upload the video you obtained when we were down south. if you can't i them that have an ear,listen.if you have a living mother, make the most of your relationship with her. create fond memories. go to church with her. if you live far away.....,call. listen to her. be there for her just like she was there for you. never let anyone in your life turn you against her.let no one disrespect only have one mother. yet, God is moma when mother is gone. make time. moma was a good mother. i don't mean to bore y'all or take all of the memory page, but i'm hurting and need everyone to know that i miss my moma,my madea, my ma' and y'all and God are the closest thing i have to her. i remember moma in happy way.
Tera Lanesia Johnson

Hey Nana. Oh my goodness, it's so much i wish i could tell u right now but i know you already know because you're with me everywhere i go. I know your in a better place but sometimes i can't stop the tears from falling because i miss you so much. Even though you called me "Ugly" more than my made sure i knew i was beautiful and i didn't let anyone tell me different. When i ride down Elm Street i can still see you sitting on your porch waving at everyone that passed by (and Lawd u did some waving). But through all that you've instilled within me, I've learned to LET GO AND LET GOD.....i know i will see you again but until that day, I Love You Grandma and continue to watch over me.

                   **ReSt In PeAcE QUEEN**

Relonda Gail Johnson

Hey fam, look for that bright light on a quiet peaceful night, shining beyond all other sources of light, that's husband and wife reuniting, that's all the love they had for each other in a big burst sent down to let us know they are at peace, together eternally in Jesus arms.We have nobody but each other,let's love, cherish and keep the Dunn fam legacy going strong.Nobody but Jesus put this on my heart people.Stay close cause thats what they wanted us to do.I love all of you from the bottom of my heart.Never would've made it.Jesus is the answer.


                                                                      Love Always n Forever

                                                                         Eternally Yours,

                                                                        Relonda Gail Johnson

Charlotte Dunn-Carrasquillo
Dear Momma, You taught me the Word every since I could remember... yet, I've found it to be so hard to say good-bye. I miss you and I need you to survive. In all I've been through, I never could have made it without you. All of that is because of Christ. I sit and wish that I could go back through time and get you. I'm not the same without you. My tears are both joy and sorrow. Your voice, your advice,your fussing,your concern, your wanting to shop at garage sales, eat at Granny's and everything I love about you is cradling my fond memories of you to help me carry on. It's not easy. You left me. Now, I know that I really have to BE A TRUE WOMAN OF GOD. I wish you were here to laugh with me, cry with me, sing with me, care with me, see Mario graduate, see Henry's baby, know Nitra got married, gossip with me, pray with me, see my grandkids, watch Lo LIVE, see Ma, Pencil returning to the fold, Ash, Ty, Charity tell me how to train my grandkids to run over me.......... Oh Glory.... You have laid your burdens down. Jesus will continue hold me up, even though, I feel like I'm falling. He's got our back. Oh Momma, I wish you were here. Love, Your daughter, Charlotte 
Relonda Gail Johnson
Grandma was so loving and generous,always caring for others and encouraging people to come to Christ.I remember the days when I was young she would dress ne and my cousin in beautiful dresses and long socks,patent black shoes and sit us up on the front row in church so everyone could see her little princess dolls all dressed up.We talked about any and eveything, my best friend,confidant, noone will ever know just how much we shared together.My love, I really miss her,as a child I remember her and my grand father would get up for coffee and a cigarette every single morning, they would always leave a little in the cup and sit it on the heater so it would be warm when we got up.Those were the days I long for right now.Jesus loved you so much he took you for he knew you needed rest,so rest in peace our "Queen", I still have you here and I will always wish for you but I know that you are in a better place. Tell pawpaw hi and I love him.Rest Angel.
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