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Versie Dunn
Born in Arkansas
79 years
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Relonda Collins Grand loved one March 3, 2018
Hey my beautiful grandma. Time to catch up. I have gotten married and moved to Monroe. Reco bout to get married next week. We miss you so much and it seems so wrong not having my bestie here. Can’t write much more it makes me weary. Love you forever
Charlotte Dunn-Carrasquillo My My My February 8, 2016
Life is happening, moma. Seems like it doesn't let up sometimes. When you come out of one situation, another is lurking around. It makes me pray more. In turn, there is growth. My, my, my moma........ "this thang ain't no joke." I'm glad God had you to equip me for the journey. I just need you, so. Yet, I wouldn't wish you back to this side 'cause there is peace over in Glory. With Christ we are making it. I'm glad He's a part of me. Yet, my, my, my moma! LORD HELP ME PLEASE! I miss you, Ms PeeWee For Real, Though February 8, 2015
I text my sister, Linda. I text my sister, Michelle. I text my sister, Ledo. I text my sister, Carolyn. I told them,"I miss momma." Pretty much experiencing similar feelings, they responded with encouragement. I cried and remembered! Even dialed momma's number, knowing she wasn't there. I needed to talk to her. I needed to hear her voice. I needed to hug her. Needed to give her a kiss. Needed to hear her laugh. Needed to hear her talk. JUST NEEDED, MY MOMMA! For real, though. I wasn't  satisfied. I was emotional.I felt incomplete.I needed a touch. So, I texted JESUS! I misspelled some words.I used some codes. I tried out abbreviations.Even, i used numbers. I said, 'Lord, you know!' He comforted me. He held me. He lifted me. HE did everything HE said HE would do.Momma's gone, but HE'S been a mother,for real, though! CANT LET GO OF THE SAVIOR!
Charlotte Dunn Carrasquillo Didn't Know May 11, 2014
Moma, I didn't know it would be like this. I didn't know that everything you taught me would come back to me. I didn't know the void I'd feel. I didn't know that rearing offspring would be a blessing and a job. I didn't know that life would deal unexpected surprises. Didn't know the good or bad days' weight. Didn't know you have to work with your hands to eat and make it. Didn't know that marriage was a job. Didn't know that kids can hurt and bless you. Didn't know a mother isn't perfect. ONLY GOD. Didn't know there would be crying days. Didn't know that Christ has to make everything right. Didn't know you must forgive. Didn't know you must live. I didn't know. Sure didn't know. I didn't know that if you fall, you can get back up. I didn't know that God loves me inspite of. I didn't know that as long as I have Jesus, I didn't have to worry. I didn't know my Savior would always be there. I didn't understand what you meant when you'd say, " You'll understand it by and by." I didn't know. Sure didn't know. Yet, I should have known. It's not like you didn't take the time to teach me again and again. I did know. Reality hits like a storm. I remember now, moma. I do know, moma. Thank God you taught me. Thank God you reminded me. Thank God you never gave up. I didn't know......................................................................................, but I know now.
Hey grandma and pawpaw. Raq is up there now in HEAVENLY bliss. I know GOD got her and you two are hugging her like I did the last time  saw her in her borrowed body. Kiss my baby and tell her I love her and I will never ever forget her. My baby was so pretty laying there, she said she int want anybody crying but I wasnt ready to let her go. I had planned that special day but GOD had his own plans for her. But thru it all I can say I am happy she got she is not suffering. I love you RAQ!!!!!!!!! No more late nites talkn, no more comparing poetry, no more music hunting.......GOD knows best though. I love you girl let me go before I break down. Miss u Mrs. Versie.
charlotte dunn-carrasquillo dear sweet mother February 7, 2012
dear sweet mother, happy birthday to you. happy birthday to you. happy birthday miss peewee. happy birthday to you. you know sometimes, when a love one dies......., some people come with the fake and sometimes too late "i love you's". they want to say what would have been better taken while you were alive. overwhelmed with guilt and sometimes shame, the future days without that loved one's presence brings about the reality of sorrow, a vital missing piece, emptiness, longing, shoulda, coulda, wouldas, tears at unforseen times, etc. in Versie Lee Armstrong Dunn's homegoing and life....., that was and is not the case. words of love and fond memories are real and true AND MEANT! She was a jewel. a caring, loving and serious MOTHER she was! it hurts, but i realize my moma is in good hands wth my Savior. i miss her with all of my being. nobody but God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit were better to me than moma. we are more than conquerors, family. stay strong and together. love you moma and family. your daughter, charlotte
charlotte dunn-carrasquillo i wish u were here January 3, 2012
i wish u were here to share lasting memories, to love and to praise God with ALL of us. i do realize you are in the best place to worship. i just wish u were here to celebrate with me. i wish u were here. i wish u were here to go to church with me. i wish u were here. i wish u were here to browse the stores with me. i wish u were here. i wish u were here mommy. i feel like a baby. i need to be held by my mom. i can ask u to come home, but i know u r already there. i can cry for u to get motherly attention. but u said i would be ok. i just wish u were here. i wish you were here. love charlotte dunn-carrasquillo
Relonda Johnson
And yet we are missing our "QUEEN" you wouldn't believe the things going on right now. Yet I am another granny and things are going so bad rite now. I won't keep you long I know KING JESUS is waiting for his ANGEL. I love you and I'll talk to you later. 
Relonda Johnson
Sooo you been gettin yo praise on lady? I know without a oubt you been up there sangin with Albertina Walker, I told Charlotte about that and her n Frank did Ike n Tina but they were suppose to be Puddin n Pete lol.Laugh out loud granma I know you wonderin what that mean. Anyway I figure you had granddad playinbass for yall and you was telling her you better sang that song gul, then telling her to shut her mouth when you get happy. Nobody could sing a hymn at home and get happy like PEE WEE, you were ad still are one in a million. I sure miss talkin to you and getn fussed at. I tend to talk like you using those crazy words like puny and kiver, boy those were the days when I felt like noone could say a word to me cause Mrs. PeeWee was my granny, thats all it took because you had such a way with people. Sally brought you up a few time here lately saying how much she think about Cut PeeWee, she miss you like we do. I'm sure you're saying it's time to get over that but I will never ever get over losing my bes friend. I often think about you asking me to sing "I don't know why I have to cry sometimes" well now I know, I miss my granny. But I wouldn't give anything to bring you back here to the world now its just gone to far. People are all different. I guess I should go cause I'm gettin emotional Just want to let you know you are always in my heart and on my mind. I Love you grandma forever.
Relonda Gail Johnson Dunn

Hey love, I decided I like the name you gave me, you know Ms. Johnson Dunn(LOL). I sure wish I could dial 281-7302 and hear you say come on over here ol' blue black gul, ima be on the porch. Those days are gone but why is it so hard to put them behind? Well I guess one day when I get a lil stronger in the Lord I will overcome losing you. Enough about that now you got another great great grandboy...yep....wiggy done had da baby and he was a lil sick at first but I knew you didn't want him up there with you like Michelle said especially since you just start enjoying yourself in the kingdom. Tell my papa hey granddaddy.I love you two.


                                                                                     Love Always

                                                               Relonda Gail Johnson Dunn

Rodney Mills

Hey G Ma.  I wanted to remind you of the day we were in Adrian's car with Michelle and you though Adrian was having car trouble because her blinker was on and when Michelle pointed out that it was a turn signal, SHE laughed.  But for some odd reason you didn't say anything to her.  But you turned and looked at me with your eyes squinched as if threatening me not to laugh.  I held that laugh until we got where we were going and i let a good one go.  But you never knew that till now.  Me and Michelle still laugh till this day about that.  I miss my HONEY.


Relonda Johnson
Look darlin the family is really goin thru a storm  I know we must pray but the times are so hard, seems like everthing and everybody has changed or transformed. How can we be wut we should wen there are circumstances to alter the rite decisions that we make in life. We have the faith but do we have the srength. How do we go on. 
Relonda Johnson
Well I no you get tired of me thinking bout you but I cant help it especially when people always talk about you. Seems like they miss you a lot too. You know I was happy you came to me the last time on that issue it made me feel like you hear me or somehow you know I needed you. I really miss you though and I dont think I will ever get over you leaving even though you were ready to go. Call me selfish but I thought you would be with me forever but forever came and you were taken away from me. I love you granny Happy Belated Birthday to my best friend even in the life after. Love you
Relonda Johnson
Heeeeeyyyyyy granny! I have so much to tell you girl, you know charlotte got a new queen and I haven't seen her yet but I know she is a doll and stop sayin she ugly, lol. Terrence is gone off to make his life better and girl wiggy is expecting:( yeah well I guess she no what she doin. Laci is big bad and bald yep she bald but she's pretty tho. You know ima move in the house n yep ima be just like you lawd help me cuz thst mean ima be bad. Yes you were bad but in a good way. Love ya tell granddaddy I no he showin all his pearly whites wit dat gold shinin you know  Ibe flashin too. But ima holla at yall later just wanted to leave my love since I ain't seen you in a while. Come see me again I love to hear from you girl. You make sense of the things I don't understand even in glory you provide advice love ya
Relonda Gail Johnson Dunn
Hey girlie girl. Da family was here in July and I enjoyed them all. We wnet to see your sister and had a ball, you know me Michelle n Charlotte was actn a fool knowing you woulda been like stop dat, cut dat out or sumthn. Everybody didn't come home but it was fun. Oh heady head came(Fred) n his wife, Nitra n her new hubby, Linda n Curtis, Charlotte, Frank n da kids, Lesha n her new hub, Michelle wit her crazy tale. I hated to see them leave. Terrence is gone to the National Guards, my dad n I tx pretty regular, and I guess you seen fish cause we have 2 more babies on the way to the Dunn fam n it ain't none of mine far as I know. We went out to you place of rest, everybody brought flowers and Linda took it real hard. Trae been stayn ova a whole lot and being trae. He miss u. Well Imma leave u wit I love n I miss u so much. R.I.P.
Relonda Gail Johnson
Hey girl I missed ya fa mothers day but happy mothers day hun.Roc has been sick and your name sake Versie has been sick they both needed the family prayer and they had it. Bur they are much better now with the Lord to help we will make it for sure.Tell papa I said Hey papaw.Faye has a big ol girl and she is spoiled.....rotten. Don't laugh you spoiled yours too. But anyway I got you some flowers but I haven't put them out cause its been raining. I love you boo.
Relonda Gail Johnson
Hey grandma & pa. I talked to Charlotte and she said Lo came home today what a blessing. Faye has had a little girl named Ale'cia Sharve', she weighed 8lbs 0.7oz and she falls asleep just like you used to.LOL Anyway I just stopped by to say hi and I love you 2 like crazy.

hey girl,


i made it past our birthdays. it hit me kinda hard too one night. thought i was gonna pass out but i did it! whew! u know i'm da most strong one in da fam! (our secret)! syd is getn so big! jus like all ur grandbabies, she sleep all slumped over like u! lol! she's a beautiful lil chocolate thing! i hate u didn get to lay your eyes on her.

Shatayla Johnson

hey chicken head dis this ya great gran hitin u up i know u dont know what am saying am missing cant sit in church not looking at u sitting in the mother board fill like crying , but i will not we all still love u  dont think we dont love cuz we do NO STORY  and the reason why i dont say lie is because u say u gonna wop me and i dont want that to happen............ AND its kind of sad because u didnt even get to see brooklyn and then she looks just like u wish she could maybe i will tell her about u when shes old enough........... i have a good filling that u made it and dont want to come back to earth nomore seeing how ya i wouldnt etheir ......SO.. ME LUVS U GRANMA FROM THE ONE U CALLED UGLY BUT HERES A PIC OF BROOK


Good morning Ma,


I couldn't leave your bday message because as usual Kenya had the laptop carrying it all over LA like he some kinda biz man. I had a rough time yesterday and I'm not feeling well today. I miss you as u know. I posted you a song up. Hope you and daddy enjoy it. You kow me and Carolyn bday coming up. Just reminding you bcuz u usually didn't remember nobody's bday but yours!!!LOL!

kenya mathews

hey grandma,


happy birthday. . . i kno you're n a better place partyin like its the year 1949 drinkin water lol. . . yep. . . waitin on " KANG JESUS " 2 turn it into wine. . . lol but foreal, i miss u and i luv u so much gma

Tera Lanesia Johnson

Hey Ms. Pee Wee (u hated when we called u that). I know you are probably celebrating your birthday and thinking "didnt this ol' ugly gal jus leave my page writing a life story" but i jus stopped by to wish you a Happy Birthday and  have a good time rejoicing but watch that wig Grandma cause momma aint up there to help you put it back on. Luv you Grandma

  "(singing.....) Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you...Happy birthday my A-N-G-E-L.....Happy birthday to you

           R.I.P Grandma

Relonda Gail Johnson
Hey girl, I know the streets of gold are lit up right now and the angels are harmonizing making you shout your wig straight off. Nothing can replace the special times we shared and I know I will never be able to go back to those days so I hold the memories close to my heart and pray for a change because like you said Faye is expecting and that is going to change a lot. Thank you for the wisdom and love baby, I'm still holding on. The pain is not as severe but I still hurt for you. Terence was going through but he is back at the house with Calvin. He misses you a lot.But I don't want to go on and on because I feel so wiery and I don't want to start your bday off crying. Happy Birthday granny and I love you so much!!!!!!!
Straleshia Hampton
Happy Birthday grandmah. Though im missing you Ill find a way to get through. Now that your gone I can still fell you near so Ill smile with everytear I cry.
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